"You guys have the best tasting water! Thank you for sending us the 20 gallons of dehydrated & compressed water. It was great! It made a great hit with all of my office buddies. Please send me some more."
Response: No problem. If you keep the cash flowing, we'll keep the water flowing!
"Wow, you guys really are the best. Have you ever thought about going international with your product… like McDonalds?"
Response: Please check out our Franchise opportunities. Maybe your community could use it's own buydehydratedwater.com.
"Are you serious? This site is a joke, right?"
Response: No joke. This site is for real and we actually sell dehydrated water.
"Evian, eat your heart out. Dehydrated water tastes better and is going to force you into bankruptcy, where you belong!"
Response: We couldn't agree more with you. By the way, we are seeking individuals like yourself to help us gain market penetration throughout local supermarkets around the world. All we need is a handful of investors who will help us pay the required $6.5 million slotting fee to get us on the shelves. If you are interested, please contact us.
"I can't believe you invested so much time and money to create a web site like this. Don't you have anything better to do with your life?"
Response: And we can't believe you took so much time to reply and vent your disbelief. You obviously have never tried our water. Our customers have a tendency to become dedicated followers. Don't be a cheapo. Send us $5 and try it out for yourself.
"This is great! Thanks for helping me select the perfect gift for my father who has everything. He certainly didn't have any dehydrated water. What a super idea you had. Keep up the great work and let me know if you come up with any new innovative products."
Response: Thanks, we greatly appreciate hearing positive feedback from our web site visitors. Due to the tremendous success of this site, we are working on a couple new life-enhancing sites. Please check back for the links. In the mean time, buy some more dehydrated water and tell all your family and friends to do the same.
"What a market-corner! Amazing new product, and just in time, too. This world cannot go on much longer on such filthy water."
"On behalf of the folks out here in Texas, we would all like to thank you kind people for offering so much dehydrated water to our almost waterless communities. Your kindness and generosity has helped many, many Texans. Thank you again and may God bless your souls."
Response: What can I say?.... Thank you. It means so much to us, knowing that we have positively impacted another's life.
"What in the world is this dehydrated water stuff? Let me guess, next you're going to come out with caffeine free caffeine, right?"
Response: It's a very simple yet complex process; take water and dehydrate it. The end product is dehydrated water. I'm not sure about the caffeine free caffeine thing. It doesn't seem to make sense. I'll run it by our Marketing Department to see what they think. Thanks for the idea.
"This is hilarious. The website you put together definitely is enough to yank even the most tight assed chains. Buy Dehydrated Water rules!"
Response: Although our website is upbeat and humorous, we take our work very seriously. We are experts in this new emerging industry and take great pride in the service we provide the world with.
"Wow, what a great site! I will be telling all my friends to come and get their dehydrated water! I was impressed with the ease of storage. No more worries about weather my water was fresh enough. Now I always keep a gallon or two on hand. Thanks again for such a great product!"
Response: And thank you for being such a great customer, follower, and promoter of dehydrated water!
"I am delighted to learn of your inspired concept. For years whenever I boiled water, I always boiled extra and froze it for later use. But you have done me one better. Keep up the great work!"--- "You are nuts!"
Response: No, I am human... My doctor verified this.
"Too cute."
Response: I know. Everyone tells me I am so adorable... Oh, you were talking about this website --- thanks for the complement.
"You guys have the best tasting water! Thank you for sending us the 20 gallons of dehydrated & compressed water. It was great! It made a great hit with all of my office buddies. Please send me some more."
Response: No problem. If you keep the cash flowing, we'll keep the water flowing!
"Wow, you guys really are the best. Have you ever thought about going international with your product… like McDonalds?"
Response: Please check out our Franchise opportunities. Maybe your community could use it's own buydehydratedwater.com.
"Are you serious? This site is a joke, right?"
Response: No joke. This site is for real and we actually sell dehydrated water.
"Evian, eat your heart out. Dehydrated water tastes better and is going to force you into bankruptcy, where you belong!"
Response: We couldn't agree more with you. By the way, we are seeking individuals like yourself to help us gain market penetration throughout local supermarkets around the world. All we need is a handful of investors who will help us pay the required $6.5 million slotting fee to get us on the shelves. If you are interested, please contact us.
"I can't believe you invested so much time and money to create a web site like this. Don't you have anything better to do with your life?"
Response: And we can't believe you took so much time to reply and vent your disbelief. You obviously have never tried our water. Our customers have a tendency to become dedicated followers. Don't be a cheapo. Send us $5 and try it out for yourself.
"This is great! Thanks for helping me select the perfect gift for my father who has everything. He certainly didn't have any dehydrated water. What a super idea you had. Keep up the great work and let me know if you come up with any new innovative products."
Response: Thanks, we greatly appreciate hearing positive feedback from our web site visitors. Due to the tremendous success of this site, we are working on a couple new life-enhancing sites. Please check back for the links. In the mean time, buy some more dehydrated water and tell all your family and friends to do the same.
"What a market-corner! Amazing new product, and just in time, too. This world cannot go on much longer on such filthy water."
"On behalf of the folks out here in Texas, we would all like to thank you kind people for offering so much dehydrated water to our almost waterless communities. Your kindness and generosity has helped many, many Texans. Thank you again and may God bless your souls."
Response: What can I say?.... Thank you. It means so much to us, knowing that we have positively impacted another's life.
"What in the world is this dehydrated water stuff? Let me guess, next you're going to come out with caffeine free caffeine, right?"
Response: It's a very simple yet complex process; take water and dehydrate it. The end product is dehydrated water. I'm not sure about the caffeine free caffeine thing. It doesn't seem to make sense. I'll run it by our Marketing Department to see what they think. Thanks for the idea.
"This is hilarious. The website you put together definitely is enough to yank even the most tight assed chains. Buy Dehydrated Water rules!"
Response: Although our website is upbeat and humorous, we take our work very seriously. We are experts in this new emerging industry and take great pride in the service we provide the world with.
"Wow, what a great site! I will be telling all my friends to come and get their dehydrated water! I was impressed with the ease of storage. No more worries about weather my water was fresh enough. Now I always keep a gallon or two on hand. Thanks again for such a great product!"
Response: And thank you for being such a great customer, follower, and promoter of dehydrated water!
"I am delighted to learn of your inspired concept. For years whenever I boiled water, I always boiled extra and froze it for later use. But you have done me one better. Keep up the great work!"--- "You are nuts!"
Response: No, I am human... My doctor verified this.
"Too cute."
Response: I know. Everyone tells me I am so adorable... Oh, you were talking about this website --- thanks for the complement.